Creative Export Strategy Voluntary Self-Identification Questionnaire

The Department of Canadian Heritage is committed to supporting all Canadian creative industries to maximize their export potential and stand out in global markets.

To better understand who is accessing Creative Export Strategy funding and services, and who is not, Canadian Heritage is collecting baseline information on the self-identity of Canada’s creative exporters via this questionnaire.

The questionnaire should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

The terminology included is evolving as we strive to advance equity, diversity, and inclusion in our practices.

If you have comments or suggested changes regarding the questionnaire and our approach to data collection, please contact us at

Who should self-identify?

  • The questionnaire should be completed by business owners (for-profit companies) and board members (not-for-profit organizations).
  • It is important that ALL owners/board members complete the questionnaire to ensure a full picture of who is accessing Creative Export Strategy programs and services.

How will the information be used?

Canadian Heritage subscribes to a “zero waste” data collection policy. This means that we ask only for information that is directly relevant to decision-making and optimal administration of Canadian Heritage programs and services, which in this case, is the Creative Export Strategy.

The information we receive through this questionnaire will enable Canadian Heritage to do the following:

  • Develop baseline data about the individuals who are applying to the Creative Export Strategy’s Creative Export Canada funding program and those applying to participate in Canadian Heritage led trade missions or trade and cultural events supported by the Strategy;
  • Determine whether an applicant to Creative Export Canada would be eligible for reserved program funding for Indigenous Peoples or equity-deserving communities;
  • Offer more inclusive trade opportunities by enhancing the diversity of delegates participating in Canadian Heritage-led trade missions and/or trade and cultural events; and
  • Analyze and address gaps and barriers to Indigenous Peoples and equity-deserving communities in accessing the Creative Export Strategy’s programs or services.

How long will the information be retained?

The personal information collected will be retained for six years.

Have more questions about the self-identification questionnaire? Please consult the Frequently Asked Questions document.

Privacy Notice

The collection of personal information is authorized by the Department of Canadian Heritage Act, under paragraph 4(2)(j) and is requested for a voluntary questionnaire that will be used to provide Canadian Heritage with an understanding who is accessing the Creative Export Strategy’s programs and services in order to address any barriers to access. Collection and use of this personal information are in accordance with the Privacy Act.

The information will be used to gain a better understanding of the Creative Export Strategy’s reach, and of its applicants and recipients, to generate and disclose disaggregated demographic statistics on representation and participation across the Creative Export Strategy’s programs and services and to assess the eligibility of applications for certain programs and incentives within the Creative Export Strategy. The personal information collected will be retained for six years.

There are no administrative consequences for not providing this information. Under the Privacy Act, you have the right of access to, and correction of, your personal information. To exercise either of these rights, contact Canadian Heritage’s ATIP Coordinator by email at If you are not satisfied with Canadian Heritage’s response to your privacy concern, you may wish to contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada by telephone at 1-800-282-1376.

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